Let’s Think Together! Assessing Shared Mental Models, Performance, and Trust in Human-Agent Teams

This article reports on a mixed-methods study investigating the effects of working with one or two AI teammates in a three-person team, while also comparing to a control condition of an all-human team. These teams worked together in the NeoCITIES emergency response simulation to coordinate with one another to allocate scarce resources within a set time period. Results of the study found that human-AI teams had similar iterative development of team cognition and the importance of communication towards accelerating that development. However, action-related communication and explicitly shared goals were specifically beneficial for human-AI teams. Human-AI teams also trusted their AI teammates less, perceived less team cognition within their teams, and displayed inconsistent levels of team mental model similarity.


Investigating the Effects of Perceived Teammate Artificiality on Human Performance and Cognition


The Complex Relationship of AI Ethics and Trust in Human–AI Teaming