I See You: Examining the Role of Spatial Information in Human-Agent Teams

This manuscript describes a study investigating the effects of spatial information level (low, high) on the development of team cognition and its outcomes in varying compositions of human-agent teams (human-human-agent, human-agent-agent) versus human-only (human-human-human) teams. The mixed-methods study had teams complete several rounds of the NeoCITIES emergency response management simulation and complete various team cognition and perception measures, followed by qualitative free-response questions. The study found that human-only teams did not perform at the same level as human-agent teams, with multi-agent human-agent teams having the best performance. A significant interaction, though with inconclusive simple main effects, displayed the trend that human-agent teams had better team mental model similarity when spatial awareness was high rather than low, while human-only teams experienced the reverse trend. Qualitative findings identified that high spatial awareness jump-started team cognition development, fostered more accurate shared mental models, enhanced the explainability of the agent, and helped the iterative development of team cognition over time.


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